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Problem Solving in Chemical Engineering with Numerical Methods
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From the Author
Current owners and new purchasers are able to obtain the very latest and significantly improved Educational Version of the POLYMATH Numerical Analysis Software at 1/2 of the usual Educational price. POLYMATH is a proven computational system, which has been specifically created for educational or professional use. The various POLYMATH programs allow the user to apply effective numerical analysis techniques during interactive problem solving on personal computers. Results are presented graphically for easy understanding and for incorporation into papers and reports. Students, engineers, mathematicians, scientists, or anyone with a need to solve problems will appreciate the efficiency and speed of problem solution. The Version 5 software has been completely revised and reprogrammed for 32-bit WindowsTM operating systems. Capabilities include: Linear Equations (up to 200 with up to 64 via easy input), Nonlinear Equations (up to 200), Differential Equations (up to 200), Data Analysis and Regression (up to 600 data points)
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From the Inside Flap
Preface Intended Audience This book is for the chemical engineering student or the professional engineer who is interested in solving problems that require numerical methods by using mathematical software packages on personal computers. This book provides many typical problems throughout the core subject areas of chemical engineering. Additionally, the "nuts and bolts" or practical applications of numerical methods are presented in a concise form during example problem solving, which gives detailed solutions to selected problems. Background The widespread use of personal computers has led to the development of a variety of tools that can be utilized in the solution of engineering problems. These include mathematical software packages like MathCAD, Maple, Mathematica, Matlab,Polymath, and spreadsheets like Excel. While there is great potential in the hands of individual PC users, often this potential is not well developed in current engineering problem solving. In the past the computer was used only for the difficult tasks of rigorous modeling and simulation of unit operations, processes, or control systems, while the routine calculations were carried out using hand-held calculators (or spreadsheet programs more recently), using essentially the same techniques that were used in the slide rule era. Limiting the use of the computer solely to the difficult tasks was justified before the introduction of interactive numerical packages because the use of the computer was very time consuming. A typical computer assignment in that era would require the student to carry out the following tasks: (1) Derive the model equations for the problem at hand, (2) find an appropriate numerical method to solve the model, (3) write and debug a FORTRAN program to solve the problem using the selected numerical algorithm, and (4) analyze the results for validity and precision. It was soon recognized that the second and third tasks of the solution were minor contributions to the learning of the subject matter in most chemical engineering courses, but they were actually the most time consuming and frustrating parts of a computer assignment. The computer enables students to solve realistic problems, but the time spent on the technical details that were of minor relevancy to the subject matter was much too long. The introduction of interactive numerical software packages brought about a major change in chemical engineering calculations. This change has been called a "paradigm shift" by Fogler.2 Using those packages the student's (or the practicing engineer's) main task is to set up the model equations. The interactive program provides accurate solutions to these equations in a short time, displaying the results in graphical and numerical forms. The meaning of the paradigm shift, however, is that using the old calculation techniques with the new computer tools brings very little benefit. This is emphasized in the following observation made by deNevers and Seader1: "Since the advent of digital computers, textbooks have slowly migrated toward computer solutions of examples and homework problems, but in many cases the nature of the examples and problems has been retained so that they can be solved with or without a computer." In most of the examples and problems provided in this book, new solution techniques are presented that require the use of the computer. Thus the full benefits of a computer solution can be gained even for routine, simple problems, not just for complicated ones. In spite of many available numerical problem-solving packages, advanced problem solving via personal computers continues to be under utilized in chemical engineering education. A recent survey by Jones5 has indicated that "across the country, computers are usually not used effectively in undergraduate engineering science courses. Often they are not used at all. Problem solving approaches and calculation methods are little influenced by the availability of computers." There are several major reasons for this situation. First, many of the current engineering textbooks and reference books have been very slow to react to the enhanced problem-solving capabilities that are currently available. Unfortunately, the current textbooks in most engineering subject areas have been slow to react to this emerging capability. The lack of properly framed standard problems in various engineering disciplines is accompanied by a lack of faculty interest in the use of new tools and the creation of appropriate problems that utilize these tools. Another important reason for the lack of mathematical software usage for advanced problem solving is the actual cost of the software for individual students. While there are many educational benefits to having problem solving close at hand on student-owned personal computers, often the cost to the individual students is prohibitively high. Fortunately, the costs to major colleges and universities for site licenses for the use of software only in computer labs is much more reasonable. However, this pricing structure forces students to use problem-solving software only in computer labs and does not allow interactive use of the software at other locations. Thus advanced problem-solving capabilities are not currently as close at hand as the nearest personal computer. Finally, there is a significant learning curve to most of the advanced problem-solving software. This requires users to become familiar with a command structure that is often not intuitive and thus difficult to use. This is a significant impediment to student, professional, and faculty use of many packages. Purposes of This Book The main purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive selection of chemical engineering problems that require numerical solutions. Many problems are completely or partially solved for the reader. This text is intended to be supplementary to most of the current chemical engineering textbooks, which do not emphasize numerical solutions to example and posed problems. This book is highly indexed, as indicated in Tables 1-9 at the end of this preface. The reader can only consider a particular subject area of interest or the application of a particular numerical method in actual problem solving. In either area, problems or methods, the book gives concise and easy-to-follow treatments. The problems are presented in a general way so that various numerical problem-solving computer packages can be utilized. Many of the problems are completely solved so as to demonstrate a particular problem-solving approach. In other cases, problem-solving skills of the reader need to be applied. This book has been designed for use with any mathematical problem solving package. The reader is encouraged to use the mathematical software package of his or her choice to achieve problem solutions. However, the POLYMATH package has been used as an example package, and a complete version of POLYMATH is included in the CD-ROM that accompanies this text. This allows the convenient use of POLYMATH throughout the book, as many of the problems have some part of the solution in POLYMATH files that are available on the CD-ROM. General Problem Format All problems presented in the book have the same general format for the convenience of the reader. The concise problem topic is first followed by a listing of the chemical engineering concepts demonstrated by the problem. Then the numerical methods utilized in the solution are indicated just before the detailed problem statement. Typically a particular problem presents all of the detailed equations that are necessary for solution, including the appropriate units in a variety of systems, with Système International d'Unités (SI) being the most commonly used. Physical properties are either given directly in the problem or in the appendices. Students Students will find the chapter organization of the book, by chemical engineering subject areas, to be convenient. The problems are organized in the typical manner in which they are covered in most courses. Complete solutions are given to many of the problems that demonstrate the appropriate numerical methods in problem solving. Practice and application of various numerical methods can be accomplished by working through the problems as listed in Table 9. Practicing Engineers Engineers in the workplace face ever-increasing productivity demands. Thus the concise framework of the problems in this book should aid in the proper formulation of a problem solution using numerical methods. Faculty This book can assist faculty members in introducing numerical methods into their courses. This book is intended to provide supplementary problems that can be assigned to students. Many of the problems can be easily extended to open-ended problem solving so that critical thinking skills can be developed. The numerical solutions can be used to answer many "what if º " type questions so students can be encouraged to think about the implications of the problem solutions. Chemical Engineering Departments Departments are encouraged to consider adopting this book during the first introductory course in chemical engineering and then utilize the book as a supplement for many of the following courses in the curriculum. This allows an integrated approach to the use of numerical methods throughout the curriculum. This approach can be helpful in satisfying the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) requirements for appropriate computer use in undergraduate studies. A first course in numerical methods can also utilize many of the problems as relevant examples. In this application, the book will supplement a standard numerical methods textbook. Students will find the problems in this book to be more interesting than the strictly mathematical or simplified problems presented in many standard numerical analysis textbooks. Educational Resources on CD-ROM A CD-ROM is provided that contains additional learning resources including a complete operational version of the POLYMATH Numerical Computation Package which can be installed on a reader's personal computer to enable efficient interactive problem solving. All illustrative solved problems are available from the CD-ROM for execution and modification using POLYMATH. Ten representative book problems have also been solved by knowledgeable professionals with Excel, Maple, Mathcad, Mathematica, MATLAB, and POLYMATH. Detailed writeups and the files to solve these problems with these packages are included on the CD-ROM. The icon at the beginning of this paragraph is used to designate a CD-ROM resource throughout the book. For many problems, tabulated data for individual problems are provided as input files to POLYMATH, thereby eliminating time-consuming data entry. The complete details on the CD-ROM are given in Appendix F. Book Organization Chapter 1, "Basic Principles and Calculations," serves a dual purpose. The chapter introduces the reader to the subject material that is typically taught in a first chemical engineering course (in most universities called Material and Energy Balance, or Stoichiometry). Additionally, this chapter introduces numerical solutions that are presented using the POLYMATH Numerical Computation Package. This material can also be used in a separate "Introduction to Personal Computers" course that can be given in parallel to the first chemical engineering course. For the past three years at Ben-Gurion University, the material from Chapter 1 of this book has been taught in the second semester of the first year, in parallel with the second part of the material and energy balance course. The students are introduced to the POLYMATH software in two two-hour lectures and two one-hour computer lab sessions. During the lectures and lab sessions, Problems 1.1, 1.3 and 1.13 are presented to introduce students to the different programs of POLYMATH. After this workshop, students are expected to use POLYMATH without additional help. Chapters 2 and 3 are not associated with any particular required course in the chemical engineering curriculum. Chapter 2, "Regression and Correlation of Data," presents advanced statistical techniques for regression of experimental data. Students can be encouraged to complete this chapter as part of a statistics course or as preparation for the chemical engineering laboratory. Chapter 3, "Advanced Techniques in Problem Solving," provides the background necessary for solution of more complicated problems, such as stiff differential equations, two-point boundary value problems, and systems of differential-algebraic equations using interactive numerical software packages. This chapter can be integrated into the curriculum or covered as part of a separate numerical analysis course. The titles of the remaining chapters clearly indicate in which courses the problems can be used. The fully or partially solved problems demonstrate solution methods that are not included in regular textbooks. Some of them also show advanced solution techniques that may not be obvious to the casual user. Table 3 lists these special techniques and the problem numbers in which they are demonstrated or required. Book Notation Because of the wide variety of problems posed in this book, the notation used has been standardized according to one of the major Prentice Hall textbooks in the various subject areas whenever possible. These books are summarized in Table 10. The POLYMATH Numerical Computation Package We have authored the POLYMATH package to provide convenient solutions to many numerical analysis problems, including the chemical engineering problems that are presented in this book. The first PC version of POLYMATH was published in 1984, and it has been in use since then in over one hundred universities and selected industrial sites mainly in the United States and Israel. The initial version included with this book, POLYMATH 4.02, was released in May of 1998. This version executes in computers with DOS (and Windows) operating systems. The package contains the following programs: Ordinary Differential Equations Solver Nonlinear Algebraic Equations Solver Linear Algebraic Equations Solver Polynomial, Multiple Linear, and Nonlinear Regression Program The programs are extremely easy to use, and all options are menu driven. Equations are entered in standard form with user-defined notation. Results are presented in graphical or tabular form. No computer language is used, and a manual is not required. All problems can be stored on disk for future use. A sophisticated calculator and a general unit conversion utility are available from within POLYMATH upon request. Current information on the latest POLYMATH software is available from polymath-software/. Web Site:polymath-software/book This site on the World Wide Web (WWW) will be maintained by the book authors to provide any corrections or updates to this book. The site will also provide information about where the CD-ROM may be reordered in the event that it has become damaged, outdated, or lost. Details on the latest POLYMATH software will also be available on the WWW, allowing inexpensive software upgrades to be downloaded. Additionally, the site may provide computer files for various solved problems for the convenient of readers to wish to use other mathematical software packages with this book. Acknowledgments We would like to express their appreciation to our wives and families who have shared the burden of this effort, which took longer than anticipated to complete. We particularly thank Professor H. Scott Fogler for his encouragement with this book effort and with the continuing development of the POLYMATH. Numerical Analysis Package. We are indebted to our colleagues from the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Chemical Engineering Summer School who permitted reproduction of their problem solutions on the CD-ROM. We thank Nancy Neborsky Pickering for initially learning the FrameMaker desktop publishing package and for entering the initial materials into the book format. Leslie Wang provided considerable valuable feedback on most chapters of the book. Additionally, we appreciate the input and suggestions of our students, who have been subjected to preliminary versions of the problems and have endured the various prerelease versions of the POLYMATH software over the years. During the 17 years that POLYMATH has been in use, many of our colleagues provided advice and gave us help in revising and improving this software package. In particular, we would like to acknowledge the assistance of Professors N. Brauner, H. S. Fogler, B. Carnahan, D. M. Himmelblau, J. D. Seader, and E. M. Rosen. H. S. Fogler and N. Brauner have also provided some of the problems included in the book and assisted with their solutions. Development of a package such as POLYMATH and this book is an expensive endeavor in both resources and time. We are indebted to our universities: The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and the University of Connecticut for the continuous support we have received. M. S. spent several summers and a sabbatical year at the University of Michigan. The first draft of this book was written during the stays at Michigan, and the support of the College of Engineering of the University of Michigan is sincerely appreciated. M. B. C. spent much of a sabbatical from the University of Connecticut and several summers on the preparation of book materials. The routine maintenance and development of the POLYMATH package has been done by Orit Shacham. For the last 10 years she has been spending most of her vacations fixing bugs and writing new code for still another version of POLYMATH. She continues to amaze us by the speed and precision with which she converts ideas into computer code. The first draft of this book was typed (and retyped) by Michal Shacham. She took several months of vacation from her job to learn to use various word processors and graphic programs and type the book. The draft she typed became the basis for class testing and refinement of the book. Michael B. Cutlip Mordechai Shacham
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See all Editorial Reviews
Product details
Paperback: 464 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall (September 7, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0138625662
ISBN-13: 978-0138625665
Product Dimensions:
6.9 x 1.2 x 9.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
3 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#700,901 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
The experience was outstanding. The book arrived very quicklyand was in perfect condition. I would buy from this vendor asoften as possible.
This textbook places practical chemical engineering examples and numerical techniques at the fingertips of undergraduate students! This book is appropriate for publication and has a high market potential in chemical engineering.This book contains many chemical engineering problems that are of interest to both practicing and aspiring chemical engineers. There are excellent examples using experimental data and analytical solutions. This text is clearly written for the reader who wants to quickly utilize the proposed numerical method to solve his or her own problems. The text contains many examples of practical chemical engineering problems. As a professor, I was fascinated with the number and types of problems that POLYMATH can be used to solve. I have used the differential equation solver and non-linear regression features of POLYMATH for many years, and am pleased to see that I can expand my use of POLYMATH to many other types of problems!I use this book for a series of chemical engineering courses starting in the sophomore year. I envision that it could be used by others in at least two formats. This text could be required of all chemical engineers and be used starting in the freshman year with regressions and progressing up through algebraic and linear equations in the sophomore years and finally using ODE solvers in the Junior and Senior years. This procedure would result in all chemical engineering departments that use POLYMATH, requiring their students to purchase this textbook.The second approach that could be used is to use this book in a separate numerical methods course for chemical engineers. Many chemical engineers have a required course in numerical methods that this book could be used as a source book for many problems.Chemical engineers are primarily concerned with obtaining solutions to problems. Chemical engineers do not typically write their own programs to solve problems. Instead they are using software packages. POLYMATH is an excellent package for students because the user must understand the mathematics of the basic phenomena and create a model. The method or technique used to solve these equations is not the major concern of the chemical engineer.This book will place at the fingertips of undergraduate students a myriad of numerical techniques for solving problems. This book does not require that the student have completed differential equations course, since the solutions are clearly presented and sample programs are provided in the software libraries. This approach gives students tools at an early stage in their career and they can learn more about these tools in a later numerical methods course.This book is an excellent compendium of chemical engineering problems that require numerical methods to obtain a solution. The book starts with simple examples in chapter 1 that show many of the excellent features of POLYMATH. Chapter 2 covers regressions, Chapter 3 is advanced techniques such as successive substitution, stiff ODE's, ill conditioned ODE's, secant & false position methods, 2nd order ordinary differential equations and using a shooting method for its solution. Chapters 4 and 5 give specific examples of numerical techniques in thermodynamics fluid mechanics, respectively.
problems have been carefully selected to illustrated the use Polymath to solve chemical engineering problems and will be of grat use to me in teaching Che. Eng. courses for quick calculations,above all difficult modelled systems with linear and non linear algebraic and differebtial equations.
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Product details
Age Range: 8 - 12 years
Grade Level: 3 - 7
Series: DK Eyewitness Books
Hardcover: 72 pages
Publisher: DK Children; Pck Har/CD edition (June 25, 2007)
Language: English
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8.8 x 0.6 x 11.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
87 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
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A heartwarming freshman novel from an author poised to be a modern Matt Christopher for an older audience. --Kirkus ReviewsA warm, funny, smart and poignant debut, full of heart and full of hope. I loved the adorably cute relationship that emerges between Sebastian and Emir, I loved the humour, and I loved being reminded what it's like to be a teenager during a long, hot, messy summer, when everything is new and exciting, anything seems possible, and the world is opening out in front of you. I throughly enjoyed it and hope it gets all the accolades and praise it deserves. --SIMON JAMES GREEN, author of Noah Can t EvenInspiring and uplifting, RUNNING WITH LIONS is an absolute gem of a novel. It's an utterly charming crowd-pleaser with nimble writing, exceptionally well-drawn characters and a swoonworthy romance. I freaking love this book. --CALE DIETRICH, author of The Love Interest
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About the Author
Julian Winters is a former management trainer who lives in the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia and has been crafting fiction since he was a child, creating communities around his hand-drawn paper people. He began writing LGBTQ character-driven stories as a teen and has developed a devoted fan fiction following. When he isn't writing or using his sense of humor to entertain his young nephews, Julian enjoys reading, experimental cooking in the kitchen, and watching the only sports he can keep up with: volleyball and soccer. Running with Lions is his first novel.
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Product details
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Interlude Press; None edition (June 1, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1945053623
ISBN-13: 978-1945053627
Product Dimensions:
5.2 x 0.8 x 8 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.5 out of 5 stars
65 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#61,044 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I enjoyed this book and especially appreciate how Sebastian, the main character, is not depicted as a perfect specimen of manhood and instead struggles with his own issues around body image and identity. He's constantly concerned with others and rarely has a bad thing to say about anyone, with the exception of one or two of his teammates who show flashes of bigotry. In many ways he makes a great role model for a young reader.His habit of *thinking* about the right thing to say or do, but then not actually saying or doing it, started to bug me, though. It got to where every time Sebastian started with one of his "this is what I should be saying" moments of truth, I could always predict that he'd lose his nerve and plot the safest course rather than do the right thing.Overall, I think that the premise of this book is a little unrealistic. Here we have Emir, who was best friends with Sebastian when they were kids, now joining the high school soccer team and promptly getting treated as an outcast 24x7 -- by everyone, including Sebastian. This really threw me. In regard to the coaches, I found it hard to believe that with a new kid joining the squad that: (a) they wouldn't take a moment at the beginning of the camp session to introduce him and make it clear that he was to be welcomed by everyone, (b) they would allow the team to ignore him during meals to the extent that he always eats alone, (c) they would let him stay in one of the bunks all by himself after his freshman bunkmate suddenly bails and goes home, and (d) they would fail to generally watch out for him, making sure there's no bullying or isolation. As it happens, there's hardly any element of Emir's experience at the camp that doesn't bolster his sense of alienation. Some of the characters even conspire openly to make sure Emir remains separate from the team. This is especially ironic since Coach Patrick is described by Sebastian as being so tolerant and accepting, to the point that it's had an impact on his reputation in the coaching community.It's Emir's isolation that drives the story, and for much of the book there's a mystery of sorts as to why he and Sebastian went from being such close friends, to Emir barely wanting to acknowledge Sebastian's existence. He's hostile to Sebastian in even the most mundane circumstances. Naturally, this keeps the reader wondering what could possibly have caused such a dramatic falling-out, and the explanation that we finally get seems a little weak. It makes Sebastian look pretty bad at the basics of being a friend and (for me) doesn't fully account for the nastiness that Emir displays toward him, and everyone, at every turn. There's a couple of times where Emir's attitude is attributed to shyness, but dude, I don't think shy people have a habit of mumbling disparaging comments under their breath after even the simplest encounter with another person. It gets to the point where Emir begins to come off as someone with a personality disorder. Perhaps the characterization could have been softened to allow him some friendships with the other guys while still maintaining a mysterious distance from Sebastian himself.I was surprised by the amount of cigarette smoking in the story. In fact, if not for the appearance of a cellphone in a couple of scenes I'd have thought the book was set in a much earlier era. Aren't these guys athletes? And is it possible that none of the coaches would be able to smell the smoke on the guys' breath, on their clothes, in their hair, and in their cabins? Are we to conclude that the coaches know but just don't care? (And, real talk, I was truly put off by the nonchalant depiction of one character tossing his cigarette butt into a lake.) There are also instances of drinking and drunkenness, complete with nasty hangovers at breakfast. I know I sound like a goody-goody here, but given the book's audience, the laid-back approach to these things -- by the characters and, by extension, the author -- just struck me as odd.
I’ve got that I’m-so-empty-because-it’s-over feeling... Why, you ask? Because Julian Winters’ RUNNING WITH LIONS is a five-star-plus YA novel that has it all… and yesterday, sitting in my favorite royal blue Adirondack chair out by the pool, I finished.For me, this summer has been crazy—tons of editing and promoting for my own YA books, outdoor concerts in our town’s huge music venue, my four kids coming home from college and law school—but every day I took the time to sit by the pool and read. In RUNNING WITH LIONS, I escaped into Sebastian Hughes’ intense summer at soccer camp, and later into his life as a slightly apprehensive high school senior. I found myself caught up in his devoted friendships, his blossoming love of another boy, and in his fear of the future.Julian Winters understands the teenage soul—the longing, the self-awareness, the challenges, the confusion. He easily pulled me into Sebastian’s world where I met perfectly imperfect teens and positive adult role-models. I also learned more about healthy competitiveness and team-building in sports, than I ever expected. Sebastian’s world became my welcome summer escape.Let RUNNING WITH LIONS be your escape too. Go to a place where teens facing challenges act, at times, with frustrating authenticity, and are likable, but imperfect, as they’re supposed to be. Don’t miss this important and relatable YA novel. It is the best of what YA reading should be.
This was a book I saw recommended by a number of authors that I like. Most of them said they thought it was a cute, sweet story and that is exactly what it was. It was a story about finding yourself, accepting yourself and allowing yourself to be open with another person.One of the unique aspects of this book was that it was a story about queer youth and sports. It is rare to see those two together. To often in our society we think that athletes have to be straight when in reality there is nothing that makes that true. Anyone can be gay, even those who are athletic. I liked that this was a main feature of this book but wasn't something that was harped on over and over again.While this team was idealic it was a fantastic look at what true acceptance can do for someone. I liked that this team was built on accepting everyone no matte what and that was well talked about. I liked seeing these boys be able to be open and true with themselves.The main storyline between Sebastian and Emir was sweet. I liked that they grew slowly in their relationship. It grew naturally. They fell for each other and began trying to figure out how to make things work. It wasn't so much about them being gay or bisexual but about them accepting themselves and being able to open up to one another. So many of the moments between them was sweet.I kept waiting for one of the cliche storylines to throw a wrench in things. Whether that be one not being comfortable being out, one not being okay with calling the other boyfriend, one not being over an ex, or one just wanting a fling. I was really pleased that none of that came up. The issue they had was with accepting themselves and accepting that they could be vulnerable with one another. That was a breath of fresh air for stories like these.I thought the dialogue could have been stronger in this story. Sometimes it felt disjointed and I also think it wasn't used to the extent it could have been. I was a bit confused at times at to the shift in direction of the conversation. I also think they didn't really always talk things about in a full fashion. Some things were resolved but you weren't sure why.The fight they had was a bit confusing for me as well. Emir was upset at Sebastian sticking up for him, giving the impression he didn't want anyone fighting his battles for him. Then later he lets another teammate do just that. I don't know if it was because no one knew about his relationship with Sebastian or if he was upset about it being solely about him. The incident with the teammate felt more broad and I guess easier to handle? I wasn't sure and I think that is when more dialogue could have cleared the air better.I also was confused at the point where Sebastian goes to counseling. He goes after his argument with a teammate but during that argument he never actually did anything. His reaction was fair and understandable. I thought the counseling should have been more about his body issues.I also was only half okay with Mason's character. He was interesting but I felt like he was more of a jerk than not. I think we could have gotten a few more vulnerable scenes with him which would have softened his character.All in all this was a sweet story and I enjoyed it!
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Running with Lions, by Julian Winters PDF
Running with Lions, by Julian Winters PDF
Running with Lions, by Julian Winters PDF
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Product details
File Size: 2752 KB
Print Length: 347 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Blink (September 1, 2015)
Publication Date: September 1, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#203,724 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
GAHHHHHH THAT ENDING!! SERIOUSLY CRUSHING MY HEART...I absolutely love this series so much. I keep on dreaming and wishing this series would never end because I want to live in Doon forever, but I also want to get to the end to see my beloved characters get their well deserved happy endings.Just like Doon and Destined for Doon, the world building is so great and well written that I feel like I'm one of the Doonians. From the breathtaking scenery, the gorgeous gowns, the castles, and the food... Doon is without a doubt one of my favorite fictional places to visit.I love the character and relationship development in this series. There's a sense of growth, maturity and understanding. From Doon to Shades of Doon.. through the ups and downs, each of the characters have grown into their own and have become stronger.I don't think I've mentioned it before but one of the things I love about this series is Veronica and Mackenna's friendship. Seriously can you say friendship goals...Even with their own handsome princes and personal problems Vee and Kenna never forget to emphasize how important they are to each other. They may bicker, disagree, and fight, but at the end of the day, Vee and Kenna have each other's back and would do anything to protect each other.All the other characters also have an amazing bond and friendship with each other. Jamie and Duncan would also do anything to protect each other. They may not show their brotherly affection all the time but it's there. Fergus and Fiona are so adorable in their own ways. Analisa is strong and opinionated, but very devoted to Doon and her friends. Oh Eoran... the ever so loyal guard who would do anything for Vee shows a sensitive fatherly side of him. Seriously the whole gang is pretty much #squadgoals! (Maybe they have room for one more... Ahhh if only)The plot is fast paced and kept me turning the pages way past my bedtime. I enjoyed the few chapters in the modern world. It was fun and seeing Jamie's first time in the modern world was such a nice treat. Seriously can he get anymore adorable and hot?!?!? I love that there was more romance, but it totally didn't take over the story. Princes coming to the rescue, declarations of love and swoon worthy make-out sessions just added to the awesomeness. I did predict something about the necklace that turned out to be true, but everything else surprised me. Those last few chapters seriously kept me on the edge and put me on so much anguish... I wanted to stop reading afraid of what would happen next, but I couldna because I wanted to know. I wanted to throw the book and rip out the pages because my heart was breaking but I had to keep reading... when I got to the last page... I could finally breathe.. a little. But now I'm sooo ready. Addie, you evil evil witch, my squad is coming for you! Good always win and Love Trumps hate. (yes I just did that...)I can't wait to read Forever Doon and I have it so I don't have to wait cause waiting would drive me crazy...Shades of Doon is full of adventure, magic, humor, romance and suspense. A story about friendship, love, loss, faith and courage. Such an awesome and fun read that I really cannot say anything bad about this book or this series!!!
The Doon series is endearing itself to me more and more. Shades of Doon is a great read, full of drama and uncertainty and opportunities for the main characters to grow. I love how the two heroines are obviously maturing as they see the bigger picture: what's really important and what it might cost to choose the right path.The faith element, while still somewhat subtle in parts, is becoming stronger as the series continues. This particular story inspires courageous living, tackles the weighty topics of sacrifice and humility, and provides plenty of adventure and danger (particularly with the cliffhanger ending).As for the relationships and romance...I found myself intrigued by the dilemmas facing the couples, and I'm enjoying their journeys. Their interactions are full of passionate care and hope. I'm eager to see where the next challenges take them!You'll definitely want to read the first two books in the series before diving into this one. And once you're finished, you'll be beyond ready for the final book in the series, Forever Doon. I know I am!
Review for Shades of Doon by Carie Corp and Lorie Langdon The third installment in the Doon series was one of my most anticipated reads of 2015. I loved it, but in some ways I was disappointed. I don’t think it was as good as the first two books. As a matter of fact, I think everything started going downhill after Doon.Don’t get me wrong, the books aren’t bad. In fact, they are still very good. But little things here and there just start to bug me until it all adds up to a less-than-enjoyable reading experience. So I’ll start with what I didn’t like (don’t worry- this is spoiler free, besides what you can already know from reading the book’s synopsis). First is the amount of time spent in the modern world. The situations and plot started reminding me of a YA contemporary. And if this were a YA contemporary, it would be a good one, but the whole reason I fell in love with Doon in the first place was the rich fantasy world it contained. I just feel like this book didn’t deliver with more of that. I feel like the series is declining because it’s becoming too modernized, with slang and references everywhere. Kenna really started to annoy me with her “Holy Hammerstein!â€s all the time, and the amount of times the word “bestie†is used makes me want to gag. It seems as though this book is taking the next step down into middle-grade reading. The last thing that bugged me was the antagonist. Those who have read the first two books know all about this villainous witch, who somehow keeps coming back over and over and over. I just feel like the antagonist is way too predictable and cliché. There’s nothing really scary about her, and no matter how hard the authors try to make plot twists in this book, it just doesn’t work. The antagonist is a very shallow, unlovable, or even likable character.Now that all that negative stuff is out of the way, let’s talk about the good things. Mostly, Jamie and Duncan. These two are some of my favorite male characters, and I loved them in this book. They were both sweet and smart and overall perfect Prince Charmings. I also really loved Vee and her character development. We get to see her transform into this majestic, powerful queen, and it’s wonderful. Not only is she a strong and confident character, but she realizes that she has weaknesses and that she can’t do everything by herself. Vee learns to accept that there is no queen if there is no kingdom and is the perfect blend between independent and dependent on other people. I got little shivers during some of her particularly motivating scenes.Overall, I think this book was good, but not as magical as the first or even second book. The plot felt a bit rushed at times and slow during others, and was quite predictable. The real excitement didn’t happen until the end of the book, which of course ended on a huge cliffhanger. I would still recommend it to lovers of the series because it feels great to be back in Vee and Kenna’s world again. The familiarity of the characters and Doon itself is very cozy and welcoming. It was a quick read that took me through a rollercoaster of emotions, and I enjoyed it.
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